Chronic Pain
David has been working in the field of chronic musculoskeletal pain for many years. He has travelled overseas to further his knowledge through courses and conferences. He has completed several courses with Dr David Butler and Dr Lorimer Moseley through (Noigroup).
Noigroup is an organization that is actively involved in pain research and the dissemination of knowledge for effective pain treatment. Recently David completed a workshop with Dr Peter O’Sullivan in for persistent low back pain and he has also attended conferences organised through the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP).
In recent years the study of pain has undergone many developments and major shifts in its understanding and knowledge. Pain can no longer be understood just in terms of tissue damage, but rather should incorporate an understanding of the complex interplay of biopsychosocial factors.
Successful treatment and management of pain requires an understanding of how these physiological, psychological, and social factors interplay in very different and individual ways for each person. In addition to explaining clearly the biological mechanisms of pain, the therapist should have empathy and patience to hear the patients individual story. Only by understanding this unique and individual story can the therapist act as a guide to take the patient on a new journey to recovery. This journey to recovery involves patience, persistence, courage, and commitment. Being a guide through this process requires not only empathy and guidance, but also challenging misinformed beliefs about causes and persistence of pain. As with most journeys, the journey to recovery from pain has its up and downs.
At the start of this journey, people often arrive at the clinic with a long history of suffering and often have become disillusioned by failed treatments, that did not bring about the pain relief that was expected. Starting a new journey again takes courage, particularly when there has been disappointment and failure of treatments in the past.
As a therapist presenting new knowledge to patients and seeing how this can empower them, can be very rewarding to me personally. But even greater than this satisfaction is seeing hope return to patients and watching their confidence return to pursue activities that they thought were no longer possible.
Active Physiotherapy provides the most up to date, scientific approach for the relief of chronic pain. This approach includes:
Education related to the science and modern concepts of pain.
Hands on treatment for pain relief
Guidance through this process, so you can be actively involved in your treatment
Managing flare ups if and when they occur.
Active exercises for damaged and weak tissues so that they are better able to cope with stress in the future
Guidance to gradually return to daily activities successfully
Guidelines to be able to measure and monitor your progress
Chronic pain includes such conditions as fibromyalgia, complex regional pain syndrome, chronic neck and back pain, headaches and any musculoskeletal pain that has continued for greater than three months without improvement.
Feel free to contact Active Physiotherapy to see how we can help.
David Fidler is an experienced physiotherapist who completed both undergraduate and post-graduate degrees in Australia.
He works with elite athletes, runners, sporting teams, all the way through to patients with aches and pains from normal daily activities.
He is passionate about physiotherapy and ensuring that you receive the latest and best evidence treatments to successfully treat your injury or pain. He regularly travels overseas attending courses and conferences to stay up to date with progress in physiotherapy.
His knowledge and experience makes him a leader in physiotherapy in Israel.
Active Physiotherapy is a boutique clinic offering unique standards of patient care. You can usually be seen within a day of phoning to make your appointment. You will receive the personal attention and care that is not available through the public health system.
When treating injuries that are not improving or with persistent pain problems, time is needed with the patient. It is important to go through the history of your pain or injury and the impact that it has on your life. He will give you a clear understanding of your problem so that you can actively participate in your treatment. His priority is to develop a self-management plan and not create a dependency on passive treatments and return visits.
David Fidler will put you on the road to recovery and get you back to the activities you enjoy doing.
Contact Active Physiotherapy today and put an end to your pain.